有关暑期作业的信息可以在下面找到. 问题可以直接问系主任.
所有的英语作业都在下面. 请仔细阅读作业和说明. 如果您有任何问题,请联系杨先生. 霍普金斯.
贯穿整个英语课程, we will learn to “read like a writer” and develop our own voices in our writing. 年内, we will read a variety of mentor texts that will help us practice and develop analysis skills, 以及理解和模仿有效写作的例子. As we begin the year by reading narrative essays and working to develop our own narrative writing style, we will read a selection of essays that will help us to identify specific writing skills and techniques.
·《我的英语》(My 英语),作者:Julia Alverez
· “Hi. 尼克·斯通的《澳门网投十大信誉平台》
当你读到的时候 each of the works, pay attention to the following questions. 八月到达时没有正式的写作作业, but we will use your notes and answers to these questions as the basis for a writing assignment shortly after you return to school:
1. 注意作者在每篇文章中是如何使用描述性语言的. In what ways does the author utilize sensory imagery (details that relate to the five senses—taste, 触摸, 气味, 视线, 声音)?
2. 注意叙述的声音. 注意作者使用的语言. 他们使用很多俚语或正式语言吗? Is their speech filled with emotion or are they more logical and detached? 辨别情绪和语气.
3. 考虑作者的目的. What is the author trying to communicate to the reader through this piece of writing? What is the moral of the author’s story and/or what life lessons can be learned by reading?
材料: 暑期作业英语九
在荣誉英语9课程中, we will learn to “read like a writer” and develop our own voices in our writing. 年内, we will read a variety of mentor texts that will help us practice and develop analysis skills, 以及理解和模仿有效写作的例子. As we begin the year by reading narrative works and focusing on developing our own narrative writing style, we will read a selection of essays and a novella that will help us to identify specific writing skills and techniques.
- 桑德拉·西斯内罗斯的《有信誉的网投平台十大》(随笔)
- 谭恩美的《澳门网投十大信誉平台》
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie的《澳门网投十大信誉平台》
- 选择从 芒果街上的房子 by Sandra Cisneros (Students must purchase novel for use during class, ISBN: 9780679734772):
- “芒果街上的房子”-第3-5页
- "毛发" -第6-7页
- ”男孩 & 女孩”-第8-9页
- "我的名字" -第10-11页
- "猫皇后凯茜"第12-13页
- "我们的好日子" -第14-16页
当你读到的时候 each of the works, pay attention to the following questions. 八月到达时没有正式的写作作业, but we will use your notes and answers to these questions as the basis for a writing assignment shortly after you return to school:
1. 注意作者在每篇文章中是如何使用描述性语言的. In what ways does the author utilize sensory imagery (details that relate to the five senses—taste, 触摸, 气味, 视线, 声音)?
2. 注意叙述的声音. 注意作者使用的语言. 他们使用很多俚语或正式语言吗? Is their speech filled with emotion or are they more logical and detached? 辨别情绪和语气.
3. 考虑作者的目的. What is the author trying to communicate to the reader through this piece of writing? What is the moral of the author’s story and/or what life lessons can be learned by reading?
材料: 暑期作业荣誉英语
苦与甜转角的旅馆 杰米·福特(学生购买)
阅读时,请考虑以下问题. These questions will be used in class discussion and for a baseline writing assessment.
1. Looking at Keiko and Herny, explain how family influences each of their identities. 用文章中的具体例子和引用来支持你的回答.
2. Language is foundational in communication but can also act as a barrier to understanding. 语言是如何在这些作品中充当障碍的? 它是如何起到统一作用的? 用文章中的具体例子和引用来支持你的回答.
觉醒 凯特·肖邦(学生购买)
阅读时,请考虑以下问题. These questions will be used in class discussion and for a baseline writing assessment.
1. In what ways does Edna Pontellier's awakening challenge traditional gender roles and expectations in the society depicted in the novella? 用文章中的具体例子和引用来支持你的回答.
2. 埃德娜的旅程在哪些方面反映了自我发现的主题? 用文章中的具体例子和引用来支持你的回答.
3. Discuss the significance of the ocean as a symbol in the novella and how it reflects Edna’s inner desires and struggles. 用文章中的具体例子和引用来支持你的回答.
布鲁克林 作者Colm Tóibín(学生购买)
在我们看一部19世纪的小说之前, 我们将讨论和分析科尔姆Tóibín的布鲁克林. 当你在夏天阅读《有信誉的网投平台十大》时,请注意Tóibín的风格. 这本小说将作为讨论人物的基础, 设置, 还有情节, 最终, 我们对一部截然不同的小说的探索.
We’ll also do some writing about Tóibín’s characterization of Eilis so take notes on her character as it is shaped by her circumstances. 爱丽丝是在什么情况下形成的? 她在小说的过程中有变化吗? 还是她保持相对不变? These are the kinds of questions—and more—we’ll explore in the first couple of weeks of the school year.
布鲁克林 作者Colm Tóibín(学生购买)
Before we turn to two representative novels of the early 19th century and early 21st century, 我们将讨论和分析科尔姆Tóibín的布鲁克林. 当你在夏天阅读《有信誉的网投平台十大》时,请注意Tóibín的风格. 这本小说将作为讨论人物的基础, 设置, 还有情节, 最终, 我们对两部截然不同的小说的探索.
We’ll also do some writing about Tóibín’s characterization of Eilis so take notes on her character as it is shaped by her circumstances. 爱丽丝是在什么情况下形成的? 她在小说的过程中有变化吗? 还是她保持相对不变? These are the kinds of questions—and more—we’ll explore in the first couple of weeks of the school year.
AP英语11 - AP英语语言与写作
《巴黎伦敦落魄记 乔治·奥威尔(学生购买)
镍币和硬币:在美国生活(不) 作者:Barbara Ehrenreich(学生购买)
在奥威尔和埃伦赖希这些独特的作品中, you will discover life at or below the poverty line through the eyes of two writers who lived it. 奥威尔的书出版于1933年,带你去
the dregs of Paris and London and drags you through the desperate world of many people he encounters there. Ehrenreich)的书, 出版于2001年, 是一种落魄的更新, 揭露了清洁工在美国的生活, 零售工人, 还有长时间工作的餐厅服务员, 工作时间紧张,工资最低. 这两本书都不是严格意义上的澳门网投十大信誉平台实践, but rather expositions of deeply personal convictions about the state of welfare that permeates their respective societies during their respective historical periods.
当你读到的时候, consider the language (the actual choice of words themselves) that each author uses to reconstruct episodes of strife, 绝望, 和痛苦. How would you describe Orwell’s and Ehrenreich’s writing styles in these moments? Select a few passages from Orwell that complement a few passages from Ehrenreich. We’ll use these passages as jumping-off points when you return in September.
亨丽埃塔·拉克斯不朽的一生 作者:Rebecca Skloot (ISBN: 1400052181)(学生购买)
整个夏天, please read Parts One and Two of Rebecca Skloot’s 亨丽埃塔·拉克斯不朽的一生—we will write about these sections soon after the school year begins. While reading be mindful that Skloot utilizes techniques from science writing and creative nonfiction, 其中的事实是真实的, 但是故事和对话还是有些自由的.
We will read the remainder of the text together in the beginning weeks of the school year.
冷血 杜鲁门·卡波特(国际书号:0679745580)(学生购买)
Capote’s 冷血 was the first of a genre, the “non-fiction novel.” Its composition brought into question the veracity of this type of text, but it serves as a great foundation for the fiction and non-fiction we will read during the year.
当我们秋天回来的时候, 请阅读前三个部分:“最后见到他们的人”,”“姓名不详,和“答案”.” We will begin by writing about these sections, but also finish the text soon thereafter.
我强烈推荐阅读Erik Larson的书 《白城的恶魔也. 这个文本是可选的, but it is an easy and compelling read that will help contextualize other works we will encounter during the year.
AP英语12 - AP文学和写作
傲慢与偏见 简·奥斯汀(ISBN: 9780141439518)(学生购买)
整个夏天,读《傲慢与偏见》的第一卷和第二卷. While reading, make sure you have a working understanding of the Regency period in England. Take the time to research the importance of primogeniture, entailment, and preferment. Pay close attention to how Austen utilizes 设置 and characterization in the novel也.
We will start with Volume III when school begins and write about the novel shortly thereafter.
另外,请从下面的小说中选择一本单独阅读. 当我们回来时, we will crowd source information for these texts (since there are many possible titles on the AP exam): 《有信誉的网投平台十大》, 《澳门网投十大信誉平台》, 看不见的人, 霍华德庄园, 毒木圣经, 赎罪, 所有漂亮的马, 紫色, 觉醒, 远大前程》, 他们的眼睛注视着上帝, 亲爱的, 《青年艺术家的肖像, 黑暗之心, 罪与罚
材料:AMSCO大学先修课程美国历史-约翰J. 纽曼和约翰·M. Schmalbach(学生购买)
美联社U.S. 政府与政治
美联社U.S. 政府与政治2024年夏季
暑期作业相当于你神学课程的一年级成绩. 请联系夫人. Szewczak在 mszewczak@6732356.com 如果你有什么困难.
完成天主教101在线迷你课程. 玛丽的澳门网投十大信誉平台.
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英文: Mr. 安迪·霍普金斯
数学: 夫人. 凯西可能
科学: 夫人. 苏珊•米切尔
神学: Sr. 帕特丽夏·唐林,RSM
社会研究: 夫人. 艾琳Battisto
艺术: 夫人. 丽莎Hohenstein
技术: 夫人. 凯特琳·法萨诺·豪格